Here you will find our 2023/2024 roundups from each team captain about what they’ve each been up to this term, including matches, socials and team bonding <3. You can also find our Charities roundup here!

Make sure to check out the Saturday League and BUCS Pie Charts under each team to see how well they’ve been doing!

1XI Team

Term 1

This season has been both challenging and rewarding for the Women’s 1s. In our saturday league, we are currently top of the table, undefeated with a 63 goal difference. This is a testament to each of our players commitment to the team, both in terms of attendance at multiple trainings and matches a week but also in the effort and performance we’ve shown including huge 15-0, 8-0 and 10-1 wins throughout the term. Our BUCs league is a very high level and we have had some phenomenal performances which have resulted in our 5th place in the table by the end of the term, including a 3-2 win against Notts Trent 2s and multiple draws against Birmingham 3s and Loughborough 3s. And finally, we have progressed to the second round of the National Trophy after beating UCL Women’s 2s 7-0 and are looking forward to playing Bristol away in February. All together the 1s have had a fantastic start to the season on and off the pitch with many socials and nights out spent as a team and our strong bond off the pitch has certainly helped our efforts on it. As we look forward to the second half of the season it certainly feels there is plenty more to come from this team and I am excited to see our progress in upcoming games as we look to secure a strong finish in both leagues.

Term 2

The 1s have had a fantastic season, winning the league unbeaten with a 136 goal difference, securing promotion from Midlands Women's Division 3 South East into div 2.

We also met our target of finishing mid-table in our BUCs league (Midlands tier 1). Our success in both competitions is down to the unmatched dedication from everyone in the team at all training sessions and matches, which has meant we have raised our standard of hockey massively throughout the season. In addition to our success on the pitch, we have also had a great year of team socials and bonding from circle pres and pub crawls to fresher meals and powerpoint nights. Overall, we have not only had an extremely successful year in terms of results, we have also had an extremely enjoyable year playing high level hockey whilst also becoming a close group of friends with plenty of fun socials.

2XI Team

Term 1

With lots of new freshers the 2s have already come on leaps and bounds since the start of the season, playing some extremely high quality hockey. In a BUCS league dominated by First XIs we’ve had many hard fought matches with a 3-1 win against Birmingham City. Despite losing to Worcester 1s 2-0 in our first match a few weeks later we drew 2-2 in a high quality away match, evidencing our team development over such a short period. We backed this up with an incredibly competitive 3-0 win in the first round of the Conference Cup against Leicester 1s. In spite of losing the second round in a fiercely contested 4-3 loss, everyone should be proud of the performance against NTU 3s, who’s 5th team are in our BUCS league. Saturday league has been even more impressive with some big wins including 7-0 against Olton 5s and Kings Heath 1s, reflecting this we are second on the table with our only loss from 11 games to the team above. With so much hard work during training and matches there will definitely be many more big wins in store throughout the rest of the season.

Term 2

The 2s continued their strong run of results into term 2 with victories in the majority of our Saturday league matches and only one loss all term. Highlights include 8-0 and 6-1 wins and an impressive 2-2 draw to a top table team without having a goalie! Ending the season 3rd in the table with a goal difference over triple last season the 2s should be very proud. We faced some tough BUCS opponents however the team always brought incredible determination and intensity to our matches. Some extremely high quality play was showcased particularly in our 1-1 draw at Harper Adams and 5-0 win at Oxford Brookes. The 2s have also got stuck into events off the pitch with an impressive showing at the fresher talent show, a pizza party and lots of 2s freshers representing the club in our new exec!

3XI Team

Term 1

UWWHC’s 3rd team has had an exceptional season so far, already majorly improving from last year. We started off with two losses in Saturday league during preseason, but after this rocky start, we have won every single game (bar 2) leaving us at the top of the league table! Our goal difference was also the highest in the league nearly the entire way through the term. Our teamwork and positive attitude has been spectacular and some really great hockey has definitely been the result of this, alongside our coach, Sean, who has supported and encouraged us every step of the way. BUCS has been hit and miss so far this season. We lost both our games to Harper Adams and 2 teams decided to drop out of our league. However, we thrashed Aston 7-0, finishing the term on a high, and we are hoping to aim for 2nd place this year in our league. We’ve also made it through to the quarter-finals of the Midlands Conference trophy where we will be playing Loughborough 6s in February – this should be fun!

We’ve loved getting to know our new fresh! We managed to organise a humble ‘Come Dine with “Warwick 3s Army”’ (a little play on the show ‘Come Dine With Me’), where myself, our Vice captain, Niamh, and one of our star defenders, El, prepared a lovely 3-course meal for the team. It was so much fun: great vibes and lots of chit-chatting!

Term 2

Warwick women’s 3s had the best season this year, finishing 3rd in BUCS and 3rd in saturday league. We’re so sad to see our leavers go but we wish them the best and we will miss them so much!!!

In Saturday league, we’ve had one of our most successful seasons. Winning a total of 13 games and with a goal difference of 46, compared to 4th place’s goal difference of 17, we’re really looking forward to fighting for promotion next season. A big thanks must go to our coach Sean, who’s helped and supported us so much.

The first ever UWHC 3s match VS UWMXDHC took place this year and was so much fun!! The men’s and women’s clubs joined forces for the first time and we won 1-0!!

The socials were also a blast. We went for a BYOB curry night, and hockey ball pres was loads of fun. Congratulations are in order for our player of the year, Emily Ardus, and our most improved player and captain for next season, Ester Ball-Iversen. A congratulations is also in order for our vice-captain and goalie, Niamh Smith, who was awarded UWWHC’s golden glove for goal keeper of the year! Well done Niamh, you deserve it!!!

4XI Team

The 4s have had an incredible season so far, ending the term third on the table after finishing last in previous years. We have won and drawn more games combined this term than all of last season thanks to an incredible effort from the team demonstrated by a 4:0 win against Atherstone and a 1:0 win against Old Sihillians 4s. With the addition of a new full time coach alongside many talented freshers, the 4s are looking to have a very successful season this year.

The 4s have been a force to be reckoned with at socials with so many freshers and older members regularly attending as well as a very cute team meal earlier on in the term. Many 4s freshers were successfully adopted at the start of term and a few made their domestic tor debut recently.

Term 1

Term 2

The 4s have had an outstanding season this year. Comfortably finishing 4th in the table with the most wins and draws we have ever had in our time as a team. Winning Team of the Year has proved how much commitment and dedication the team have shown this year. With the addition of a new permanent coach the standard has skyrocketed and we are playing better than ever before.

The 4s have had the highest fresher intake in the club with 15+ freshers joining at the start of the year and many being promoted to the 3rd XI after doing spectacularly well. The 4s have had a strong presence at socials and regularly attend circle, bar crawls and of course hockey ball and our annual Christmas dinner.

Next year proves very exciting with lots of room for improvement and even a chance for promotion if we continue making the same progress we have made this year.

5XI Team

Term 1

The 5s are a new team that we have introduced to UWWHC due to our high influx of freshers and beginners. The players have progressed hugely in their skills and confidence this term and are starting to look really good as a team. We are planning on playing a few friendlys next term to build on the skills that the 5s have learnt already. We are planning on having team socials to create a cohesive team spirit. All in all we have had a great term and learnt lots and hope to continue this for the rest of the season.

Term 2

This is the first year UWWHC has had a 5th team and it has been very successful. All the girls in the 5s came to us as beginners and are now flourishing in their skills and their game play. Some of our girls are now playing in the 4s and all of them have come on leaps and bounds. It has been a great season and the girls are all working super hard to improve and they will continue to do this to push themselves. In the hands of our new captain they will be in great stead for next season.


Cat Killeen

Welfare & Charities

Term 1

This year we have voted to continue to support LWS Night Shelter and hopefully begin a long-term relationship between the local charity and our club! They provide safe shelter and company for the homeless and vulnerably-housed members of the Leamington Spa community and we are honoured to support their work. Our National Charity this year is Cancer Research, as many of us have seen cancer impact our lives and the lives of those around us and we understand the importance of continuing to work to find a cure. Our support helps them drive research forward, support those struggling with cancer treatments, and support their family members who are impacted by such diagnosis.

This term has seen some great charity events take place, with special mention to all our girls for their fabulous performance in CMD’s annual ‘Let’s dance for sports relief’ competition. This year we won CMD’s vote for best performance, and we were the most popular women’s club overall! Massive congratulations to the 18 fabulous dancers who proved on stage that Women’s Hockey do it best!

We took part in Movember, with several members of our exec donning their own (artificially grown) moustache over the month, to show our support for the ‘grow a mo’ campaign. We also came together to take part in the ‘move for Movember’ challenge, where we ran 60k for the 60 men who die each hour from suicide. Thank you to everyone who connected to our UWWHC Strava account to keep track of their runs!

We had an amazing turnout from the women’s club for our joint UWHC Christmas Charity quiz, which challenged everyone on their knowledge of Leamington Spa, alongside traditional general knowledge rounds and the famous ‘chat round’ that revealed all our member’s secrets… Everyone had lots of fun whilst all funds went towards Movember.

Additionally, we had a club-wide ‘Can Drive’ for LWS Night Shelter, where we donated a variety of food items to be included in hampers each week to give to those in need. All donations were greatly appreciated, so thank you to everyone for bringing so many items!

It was a great first term for charities, and we have even more in store for 2024!!

Term 2

It has been another successful term for charities, raising well over £1000 in this term alone! It started with our annual Fresher talent show in Kelsey’s, where the 1’s became the new champions - finally beating the 2s after multiple years on top! It was a great night and every performance was fabulous!

The whole club got involved in February Charity fortnight with several events such as the freshers bake sale, pie the exec, donate a pint of purple and more! All the events were very successful and lots of fun. Thank you to everyone who helped organise!

Throughout term our exec volunteered their Sunday evenings to support LWS Night Shelter. We helped out by serving hot food and drinks, packing food parcels and chatting with the night shelter residents. Additionally we also had another club-wide ‘Can Drive’ were we donated a food hamper full of vital foodstuffs to support them further.

Finally we end the term with our fabulous Hockey ball, always one of the highlights of our year, during which a charity raffle took place. Congrats to everyone who won prizes, including a night at Chesford Grange, a free pop pass, free breakfasts and drinks vouchers, etc.

I look forward to seeing how we can end the year with term 3 events still to come!!

Click the image to see some of our CMD performance!