Charitable ventures
Why is charity so important to us?
The UWMHC aims to be more than just a sports club by supporting our wider community and improving the environment in which we all live. The UWMHC takes a particular interest in charities that we feel represent our members and therefore many of our current charities focus on issues central to the wellbeing of young people in sport.
Who do we support?
The main charities that we support are Coventry and Warwickshire mind and the Movember foundation. Each year we vote on the charities that we feel are most important to support at that time, taking on charities that may be particularly important at the time or which may be of paramount importance to our members.
Warwick has a long standing relationship with the Movember foundation and takes part in the fundraising effort every year.
How do we support our charities?
Throughout the year we hold a number of events to raise money for charity. Some of these events include: the annual charity tournament, charity quizzes, fun runs, Movember and more!
we are always looking for new and exciting ways to raise money for charity or contribute in other ways. This year we have big plans for our charity efforts, as we are looking to organise and hold a University wide sports conference, with the support of our sponsor Lounge.live, centred around the issue of suicide and mental health problems in the young.
This Seasons Total: £1,973
So far this season as a club we have raised almost £2000 for a range of charities. Through social events, campus runs and charity tournaments our members have supported Mind and November among others.
The money raised so far is enough to create 25 personal support programs for men diagnosed with cancer or support 71 distressed family members*. As a club we are delighted that we can help the wider mens community rather than just play hockey.
*Source: Real Impact is Within Your Hands, Movember, https://uk.movember.com/support-us/donate, [accessed 21st January 2024]
Past Events