Here you will find roundups from each team captain about what they’ve each been up to this term, including matches, socials and team bonding <3. You can also find our Charities roundup here!

Make sure to check out the Saturday League and BUCS Pie Charts under each team to see how well they’ve been doing!

1XI Team

The season has been in equal measure challenging and rewarding for the Ladies 1s. Having been promoted to a new league in BUCS we anticipated a step up and whilst the league has promised as much, we have been able to show our ability and have earnt ourselves a secure mid-table position. We have battled to wins and have also more than held our own against teams at the top of the table. Perhaps most satisfying was our progression to the second round of the National Trophy as we fought back from 2-0 down to equalise against Loughborough 4s. We then held our nerve to win on penalty flicks and look forward to taking on the University of Sussex. Our participation in the Midlands South East Division 3 on Saturday’s has also continued to be successful as we sit third in the table at the halfway point in the season having recorded numerous victories including a comprehensive 8-0 win away at Leicester City 4s and a satisfying 4-1 defeat of Loughborough Town 2s. Particularly satisfying is our defensive record, the second best in the league, which sees us having conceded only 8 goals. Equally as successful have been the first team’s endeavours off the pitch, from a ‘bring a board’/hide and seek social to plenty of nights out spent as a team, our strong bond off the pitch has certainly helped our efforts on it. As we look forward to the second half of the season it certainly feels there is plenty more to come from this team and I am excited to implement our progress in upcoming games as we look to secure a strong finish in both leagues.

Term 2

UWWHC 1s ended the season in fine form, achieving their target in BUCS and finishing a close 2nd in the league in Saturday league. This was alongside an unprecedented cup run, reaching the semi-final of the ICG BUCS National Trophy. Freshly promoted to Midlands Tier 1 of BUCS this year, the 1s aimed to consolidate their position in the league which they duly achieved laying a firm foundation to build on for next year. A highlight of this term came in a must-win match away against Loughborough Uni 4s. An embattled performance saw Warwick dominated much of the game with high tempo passing which resulted in a 2-1 victory, allowing us to travel home with all three points. In Saturday League the team showed much of the same dominance, pushing Nottingham Trent 2s all the way to the end and only missing out on the title by 3 points. The team also recorded a strong 2-0 win at home against the eventual champions and were unlucky not to finish above them in the table. Our most celebrated performances, however, must be credited to the cup matches against Sussex 1s and Exeter 4s who we encountered on our way to the semi-finals of the national trophy. These games were a true testament to the improvement this team has shown over the course of the season as we ran out 3-1 and 3-0 winners with some flowing hockey. The season overall has been one of success both on and off the pitch as the team has gelled and grown in strength.

Term 1

Term 1:

Term 2:

2XI Team

The Ladies 2s have kicked the season off with a great start, with lot of success both on and off the pitch. After running the risk of being relegated in our BUCS league last year, the Ladies 2s have really stepped up, and have experienced massive improvements as a team. This became evident when we played and drew our first ever BUCS match, with score of 2-2 against Nottingham Trent 4s – a game we previously would've expected to be more challenging. Standout performances must also go to our 5-1 win against the University of East Anglia 2s, displaying the Ladies 2s true potential going into this year. However, whilst this has been a term of a lot of success it hasn’t been without its challenges, and on occasion the score line hasn’t always reflected the dedication and performance of the team. As such we are currently placing in the position of 5th on the BUCS leader board for our division. Saturday league, however, has been more reflective of our success and progression as a team and we currently sit at 4th in the table for Midlands Arden Division 4. At this halfway point in the season the Ladies 2s have recorded a multitude of wins, including a commendable 6-1 win against Hampton-in-Arden 2s, a satisfying 4-0 win over Stratford 2s and our recent 5-0 win over Olten and West Yorkshire 4s. In equal measure, the Ladies 2s have also had success off the hockey pitch, and after kicking off our team socials with a team meal/gossip at the Duck, the team has made a very close bond which has been crucial for our success so far. The future is looking bright for the Ladies 2s and as we look to second half of the season, I am excited to watch the Ladies 2s continue to give it their all. To play with a team that continues to grow from strength to strength has been incredibly rewarding and I am looking forward to seeing this reflected in our upcoming games, as we look to secure stronger positions in both of our tables.

Term 2

This year the 2nd XI team have done incredibly well! Last year we did ok, but the improvements which can be seen in the team is astronomical. As a very fresher-heavy team, its been difficult to achieve great results early in the season. However great strides have been taken allowing us to draw 2-2 against the University of Nottingham, who we earlier on in the season had lost 6-1 too. Next season we hope to build on this amazing work our coach has done and aim for a finish higher in both BUCS and Saturday League

Term 1

Term 1:

Term 2:

3XI Team

The 3s have had a very promising first half of the season, both on and off pitch, having retained a whopping 11 freshers!! We are currently sitting 3rd in our BUCS league, (albeit a league comprising of 4 teams…) and have made it through to the quarter finals of the midlands conference trophy, which will be taking place in early February. We have had our fair share of tough games, against the likes of Loughborough and Nottingham, but being the positive group of players we are, we have always been able to see the silver lining and opportunities to improve. We have managed to fit in 2 team socials this term, including a very successful ‘bring a board evening’ (despite the multiple 1s players trying to crash our night!) Our Saturday league has not been as much of a success so far, but we are looking forward to coming back from the break with a fresh outlook and the eagerness to win some more matches! Overall, it has been a very lovely term for the 3s, and I am so proud of everyone, it has been such a pleasure welcoming all of our new players to the squad and I cant wait to see what’s in store for us in the future.

Term 2

With the largest number of new members on the team, the 3s had a difficult start to the season, but as we got more used to playing together, we’ve improved so much as a team and did really well in term 2!! We ended 3rd in a tough BUCS league and finished on a high with a 5-0 win against Trent 6s. Although we lost 2 out of 3 of our BUCS matches this term, we progressed a lot in terms of score line - for example we went from losing 9-1 to Notts 7s at the end of last term, to a 2-0 loss this term.

We sadly got knocked out of the quarter finals of the Midlands Conference Trophy after a 1-0 loss against Trent 5s, but we knew it would be a tough match (they are top of the BUCS league above us) and we fought it really well as a team!

In Saturday league we progressed a lot, starting the term 11th of the league and moved up to 9th place, comfortably avoiding relegation. We maintained a winning streak for a while - one of the highlights was beating Olton 5s, who are second top of the league, 3-0 on a very very hungover Sunday (fun little bonding experience!!).

We have also managed to fit in a very wholesome GBK social this term, as well as some fun circle pres with mens 3s, where we all got to know each other better with some very interesting questions

Term 1

Term 1:

Term 2:

4XI Team

Term 2 saw the women’s 4s continue to improve in Saturday league! Despite a few games being cancelled because of the frosty weather, we scored more goals and got more points on the board! We achieved 2 wins, 2 draws and also improved on results from last term against tough local teams! Our big intake of freshers continued to develop their skills, and many who began the year as beginners played their first ever matches! We also had more wholesome socials and mixed with other teams from the men’s and women’s club, and also played a friendly match against Mixed Hockey! We also all loved celebrating the season with the whole club at hockey ball. Overall, this term has been a great success for the women’s 4s and we have continued to enjoy the social aspect of hockey!

Term 2

This term has got off to a good start for the Ladies 4s! With lots of new freshers joining, we still remain UWLHC’s biggest team! The new players come from a range of 1st to 3rd years, and a mix of people who have never played hockey before and people who have played a bit before but want to join the social team. We have really improved our basic skills and learnt new techniques thanks to our coach Max! We have scored 10 goals already this season, which is an improvement from last season! We also have had a good win against the team who are second top of the league, as well as a few draws throughout the season so far! We have had 2 team socials, consisting of a team meal and ice skating! Next term we are aiming to score more goals and get more points on the table, as well as continue the good fun of team socials!

Term 1

Term 1:

Term 2:


This year we have voted on two charities, one local and one national charity to support. This year we have chosen to support, LWS Night Shelter, which provides safe shelter and company for the homeless and vulnerably-housed members of the community in Leamington Spa, and Anthony Nolan, which is a charity that makes lifesaving connections between patients in need and incredible strangers ready to donate their stem cells.

So far in term 1 we’ve had some great charity events! During November the exec took part in ‘Pie the Exec’ in aid of Movember, well done to all the ladies who agreed to get pied, it made for some great photos and lots of laughs in aid of Movember!

We also participated in the annual CMD ‘Let’s Dance for Sport Relief. We had 10 amazing girls volunteer to choreograph and perform their dance, and they were fantastic! The girls were brilliant and narrowly lost out on a place on the podium, but had so much fun participating!

During the World Cup we joined up with Warwick Marrow for a World Cup sweepstake in aid of Anthony Nolan. This ensured we were all closely following the football with great enthusiasm!

In December we had numerous charity events, first was the annual Christmas Quiz with UWMHC. We had a brilliant turnout from the ladies club, and had a great night, with lots of fun and some questionable answers! Over £100 was raised for our chosen charities.

Additionally, in December we had a club-wide ‘Can Drive’ for LWS Night Shelter, where we donated a food hamper filled with vital foodstuffs. This was a great way to give back to our local community and ensure the most vulnerable have a warm meal this Christmas time.

We’ve had a great term one and have lots more in store for term two!

Abby Corry

Term 2

Term 2 has been another successful term for charities! We started this year with our annual Fresher Talent Show in Kelsey’s. We were treated to a vast array of talents from all four teams with the 2s staying on as reigning champions!! During February we had our Family Charity Challenge Month were we took part in Warwick Marrow’s Raise a Swab initiative - each family was challenged to raise £40 which is the cost of signing one person up to the stem cell register. 10 families took part in various challenges including running, fitness and yoga challenges as well as bakes sales, which were very successful! We raised £690 for Anthony Nolan during Charity Challenge Month! Throughout term 2 our exec gave up their time to volunteer with LWS Night Shelter. Over multiple evenings we helped out by serving hot food and drinks and playing games and chatting with the night shelter residents. Additionally we also had another club-wide ‘Can Drive’ were we donated a food hamper full of vital foodstuffs. Finally, we had a very successful Charity Raffle during our annual Hockey Ball which joint with the UWMHC we raised £345 for our respective charities! We hope everyone had a great time and enjoy their prizes!

Term 1